There exists a global indigenous Peoples network; wherein the mosaic of cultures enter into mutual interest considerations. The fairness principles are incorporated within the OIPC / the Divisional Seats; and, the Grand Council; with the Mission being one of ensuring that customs and traditions are transparent; known, published; and, reflect the universal fundamental human rights of all Peoples.
The convening of a Divisional Seat shall be constructed to ensure absence of bias in the adjudication process.
Original indigenous Peoples of territories as defined by custom and tradition shall be entitled to apply to the OIPC for Associate membership; wherein, a Divisional Seat / Court may be installed under the OIPC Protocols.
The Kwa'mutsun Nation Peoples have established a Divisional Seat. This endorsement has been warranted by the continued sovereign governing status of an Original indigenous Peoples; whose customs and traditions are traceable back to the beginning of time through the; and, who have rejected a foreign nation's claim to land and resources by historical and traditional enforcement of territorial integrity.
The convening of a Divisional Seat shall be constructed to ensure absence of bias in the adjudication process.
Original indigenous Peoples of territories as defined by custom and tradition shall be entitled to apply to the OIPC for Associate membership; wherein, a Divisional Seat / Court may be installed under the OIPC Protocols.
The Kwa'mutsun Nation Peoples have established a Divisional Seat. This endorsement has been warranted by the continued sovereign governing status of an Original indigenous Peoples; whose customs and traditions are traceable back to the beginning of time through the; and, who have rejected a foreign nation's claim to land and resources by historical and traditional enforcement of territorial integrity.